We organize alongside communities to build political power and enact social change to fight bad polluters and policies.
We organize by:
- Building capacity in the “Neighborhood Self-Defense Project” to deindustrialize Communities of Color
- Leading grassroots campaigns against toxic polluters (GAFs Gotta Go, Shingle Mountain, and more)
- Training communities to conduct outreach, education and engagement to build political power and win campaigns
Are you an environmental justice community dealing with a legacy or new polluter and you need resources, training or other support to fight back?
Reach out!

Protest at the beginning of the GAFs Gotta Go campaign, which has successfully organized for one of the largest polluters in Dallas to relocate

Protest outside Dallas City Hall during the Shingle Mountain campaign, which we successfully shut down and cleaned up

Members of Justice for Joppa, Singleton United, Downwinders and allies shutting down GAF and raising awareness about TAMKO's pollution in Joppa