Organizing for environmental justice in north texas since 1994








A diverse BIPOC led Board and Staff

Working with frontline communities most impacted by pollution

Using science to inform advocacy

Improving the quality of our air

And the quality of our democracy

Our Mission

Downwinders at Risk Education Fund is dedicated to taking effective action on behalf of those being harmed by air pollution. Our goal is to build a strong grassroots constituency and create new strategies for clean air in North Texas. We do this by informing, connecting, and mobilizing citizens to become active participants in the decision-making that affects the air we breathe. In doing so, we improve both the quality of our air and the quality of our democracy.


  • We’re committed to working for environmental justice with communities impacted by the worst pollution;
  • to deliver the best science to those communities;
  • to making decisions about pollution and polluters more democratic;
  • to providing solutions to the problems we spotlight, and to funding staff devoted to grassroots empowerment.

Our programs




Our Posts

With Historic Rebuke, EPA Sends GAF Permit Back to Austin…and a Message to Company

August 6, 2022

When Janie Cisneros and her Singleton United contingent met with EPA Region Six Director Dr. Earthea Nance and her staff on June 1st, one of…

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Stay Inside. Plant Trees. An Annotated Guide to City of Dallas Air Quality Monitoring

March 8, 2022

Over the last couple of weeks, the staff responsible for the Air Quality Department at Dallas City Hall’s Office of Environmental Quality have been making…

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Downwinder Marsha Jackson

September 19, 2021
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